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Future University in Egypt News

As part of the Future University in Egypt's (FUE) keenness to highlight the role of the country in achieving comprehensive development and its influence on the national economy, a new session of the " Forum of Future Policies", was held today (Tuesday) by the University's Faculty of Economics and Political Science during which Prof. Hesham Arafat, Vice President of the Board of Trustees and Professor of Engineering at FUE gave a speech. He spoke about the national road and bridge projects under the slogan "New Arteries for Comprehensive Development". The Forum is under the support of Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.During the session, which was held through live transmission via "Zoom" technology Prof. Hesham Arafat said that the national road project provided about 800,000 direct and indirect jobs. He added that Egypt witnessed a huge upsurge during the reign of President Sisi and achieved a great leap in the quality of roads in comparison to the rest of the world, which aided in improving the Egyptian economy indicators.The Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt confirmed that 30 years ago Egypt used foreign experience in projects of Nile bridges, while currently Egypt executed 26 bridges and an axis on the Nile, with the planning and execution done by Egyptian hands, and that the resurgence Egypt witnessed in the national project is due to it being an Egyptian project with Egyptian planning and vision. The step Egypt took back in 2014 saved it from major economic consequences, contributed to a significant shift in the developmental paths, and created numerous investment and development opportunities. The future results are very promising.Arafat revealed the axis of "Shobra/Benha" and how it contributed to the development move. He said that this axis is parallel to the old Alexandria/Agricultural Road, confirming that the journey used to take about an hour and a half to three hours in a distance of 40 kilometers. The average speed in this short distance reached 15 kilometers on the weekend to the extent that citizens had to have Iftar on the road during Ramadan. He explained that now, after the new axis was executed, the average journey took only 25 minutes, and that the axis saved about 700 million pounds of fuel, time and carbon emissions. Not to mention, it reduced incidents and contributed to increasing the classification of development indicators in Egypt.Arafat pointed out that one of the great projects carried out by the country was the Regional Ring Road, saying that execution of this project began in 2002, and until 2013 40 kilometers were executed, and 360 kilometers from 2013 to 2019. This axis is considered the longest circular axis in Africa. He added that the project of developing the current Ring Road is a big challenge and compassionated those who developed it. Clarifying that when the road was established the nearest building was 250 meters away, while the residential buildings are now on the road line, making it a big challenge for the country. The country is currently carrying out a big project, he added that is the monitoring and technology of the road in tracking and the electronic gates. This is a huge achievement that achieves the sustainable development that president Sisi is seeking.News Articles:algornalgydostoralwafdnabdgomhuriaonlineelbyanyoum7akhbaraksoutalommadotmsrmisralbaladegybreaknewsdubciegyiraqnewsvoiceofbeladynewsroayatwatnegmogaznewsnuomnewsalarabyanewsalarabyanewsvetogateinnfradelgornalsaadaonlineelbaladnabdalshouranews
Sun, 12/13/2020 12:00 AM Sun, 12/13/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) accredited in its meeting held on Monday both the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Future University in Egypt as well as the Geology program at the Aswan University Faculty of Science.NAQAAE Board has also accredited 178 pre-university education schools of the 2019/2020 pre-university accreditation plan, which includes 10 educational institutions in Arish North Sinai, as well as 10 Azhari institutes.News Articles:youm7almasryalyoumelbaladdostorshorouknewssada elbalad Englishinnfradkashqolawanmasralsaferelaraby gomhuriaonlinenabdalwafdalgornalgy
Thu, 12/10/2020 12:00 AM Thu, 12/10/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Future University in Egypt has attained a new scientific achievement on the international level as a pinnacle to the efforts made in the field of developing the educational process under the direct sponsorship and support of Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt.This new scientific achievement is represented by Dr. Al-Moataz Youssef obtaining the rank of being among the best 2% in the classification of distinguished scientists in the world, according to the International classification carried out by Stanford University in America.The importance and scientific value of this achievement lies in the fact that Dr. Al-Moataz Youssef is the only representative for Future University in Egypt in this international classification to gain such great importance from the education institutions all over the world.On the other hand, Dr. Hani Hassanein, who joined Future University in Egypt this year, was able to obtain first place over Ain Shams University, thus uniting with his colleague Dr. Al-Moataz Youssef in the same honorable achievement, depicting a shining aspect of Future University in Egypt in supporting and developing the educational process.Noteworthy, Stanford University is a private American research university that was founded in 1885, and was the launch point of Silicon Valley in the sixties of the last century.News News Articles:innfradparlmany.youm7soutalommadotmsralmasryalyoumalqraralarabyelbaladakhbarakakhbarakalmawq3alnaharvetogateelnabaadostornabdgomhuriaonlinenabdalgornalgymisralbaladalwafdelbyan masralyoumakhbarakakhbarakelgornal
Wed, 12/09/2020 12:00 AM Wed, 12/09/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
The Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Future University in Egypt shall hold on Tuesday, 12 noon a new session of the “Forum of Future Policies” in the presence of Prof. Hesham Arafat, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees and Professor of Engineering at Future University in Egypt, through live transmission via Zoom. The session is sponsored by Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Future University in Egypt.The communication circle aims to discuss national projects for roads and bridges under the slogan "New Arteries for Comprehensive Development", and to clarify the mechanism for achieving comprehensive development and the reaping of citizens to its fruits, and how this development affects all sectors of the Egyptian economy.This communication session through live broadcasting is considered a continuation of the topics addressed by Future University in Egypt with regards to advancements in the field of development and economy, as well as the implications of the current global scene and the effects of the Corona virus in Egypt, the region and the world.The open meetings organized by Future University in Egypt, which host some influential figures in society, and seminars and lectures through its various faculties, stem from the university's responsibility toward the important events taking place in the country and an attempt to analyze the economic and social effects.Recently, Future University in Egypt has succeeded in making new progress in the "QS" World University Ranking for the Arab region in 2021, according to a careful evaluation on research, education and other activities. Prof. Hesham Arafat pointed out that Future University in Egypt ranked 71 among the Arab universities which are estimated by more than 2,000 for 2021, after it was ranked 111-120 in 2020. This was done after data confirmation and accuracy verification.News Articles:gomhuriaonlinenabdalwafdelbyanmisralbaladelnabaayoum7lomazomasoutalomma dotmsrsawahhostvetogateiraqnewslomazomanabddubciegyalshouranewsdostorelbaladalnaharelbashayerdotmsryoum7innfradsoutalommaparlmany awanmasrvetogatenuomnews 
Wed, 12/09/2020 12:00 AM Wed, 12/09/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Future University in Egypt - a young scientific monument that competes with the biggest grand universities in Egypt. Educational services of the highest level comply with the local and international labor market requirements & continuous advancement in the QS World ranking for universities in the Arab region.Future University in Egypt, one of the top private universities in Egypt, is a blooming university that stands proud amongst the most prestigious of universities in Egypt and started competing with the new international universities in the Arab region.Future University in Egypt occupies a prominent position among Egyptian universities as it offers world-class educational services, the latest educational methods, technology transfer and innovation, interaction with society in its different institutions, and distinguished high-quality and influential researches. It is the only university among private and governmental universities that offers 6 research magazines, one of which is biannual. Also, it has received a 4-star ranking, in the QS university ranking system, and has excelled over some public universities.The University has four research centers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, two centers at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, in addition to research centers at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, where several researches were performed, the last of which was about the Arab world after Corona. The University also participated in virus C researches and produced a drug against the virus in cooperation with a pharmaceutical company. Also, there is a pharmaceutical training factory at the university, Bioequivalence Center, which is considered one of the largest centers in Egyptian universities, licensed by the Ministry of Health and includes clinical trials reviewed by the National Drug AuthorityProf. Hesham ArafatPerhaps the most prominent feature of its good reputation and its national role, which is inseparable from its academic role and its influence on international research, in according to well-conceived plans and programs, and with the direct support and sponsorship of Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, who promotes academic excellence and the development of education as an imperative necessity for achieving sustainable development.The university is distinguished by various faculties and programs that suit the needs of the regional, local and international labor market through important faculties namely, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, and the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology.Future University in Egypt has recently attained great achievements at the international level as a pinnacle to the efforts being made in the development of the educational process. Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef obtained the rank of being among the best 2% in the classification of distinguished scientists in the world, according to the international ranking carried out by Stanford University in America. The importance and scientific value of this achievement lies in the fact that Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef is the only representative for Future University in Egypt in this international ranking to gain such great importance from the educational institutions all over the world.On the other hand, Prof. Hani Hassanein, who joined the Future University in Egypt this year, was able to obtain first place over Ain Shams University, thus uniting with his colleague Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef in the same honorable achievement, depicting a shining aspect of Future University in Egypt in supporting and developing the educational process, in the international ranking for Arab countries, and even progress 30 levels during the current year.It is evident through the university’s path throughout the past years its continuous pursuit to achieve quality and offer distinguished educational service to its students, with its focus on strong creativity and competition in order to present to society graduates that meet the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution. This is by adapting the latest teaching techniques to serve the educational process and raising the level of university teaching.Dr. Moataz YoussefThe University is also works on improving the educational services offered by the university to its students through advanced scientific applications and student activities, aiming to continuously improve the performance of both lecturer and student according to Future University in Egypt’s strategic plan in efforts to achieve the international accreditation and quality standards. Hence, this helps to qualify its graduates for the actual needs of the local, regional and global labor market.Prof. Ebada SarhanFuture University in Egypt’s efforts have been crowned with success, and has succeeded in achieving new progress in world ranking of universities "QS" for the Arab region in 2021 according to an accurate assessment of research, education and other activities. The University was ranked 71 among the Arab universities estimated at more than 2,000 universities for the year 2021, after it was ranked 111-120 in 2020. This was after data confirmation and accuracy verification.Future University in Egypt includes three colleges that have received accreditation and quality, namely the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, and the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, with the Faculty of Engineering and Technology to soon follow behind. Future University in Egypt is considered the only university in Egypt that issues a periodical scientific magazine for each of its faculties with international publishing houses. Also, the University started offering Masters and PhD programs in 3 faculties and is completing the rest of the faculties.News Articles: soutalommagomhuriaonlineparlmanyinnfraddotmsrsoutalomma
Thu, 12/03/2020 12:00 AM Thu, 12/03/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Future University in Egypt occupies a prominent position among private universities in Egypt, offering educational services on an international level, the latest educational methods, technology transfer and innovation, and interaction with society in its different institutions as well as excellence through high-quality and impact research.Perhaps the most prominent feature of its excellent reputation and its national role, which is inseparable from its academic role and its influence on international research, is according to well-conceived plans and programs, and with the direct support and sponsorship of Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, who promotes academic excellence and the development of education as an imperative necessity for achieving sustainable development.The university is distinguished by various faculties and programs that suit the needs of the regional, local and international labor market through important faculties namely, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, and the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology.Future University in Egypt has recently attained great achievements at the international level as a pinnacle to the efforts being made in the development of the educational process. Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef obtained the rank of being among the best 2% in the classification of distinguished scientists in the world, according to the international ranking carried out by Stanford University in America. The importance and scientific value of this achievement lies in the fact that Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef is the only representative for Future University in Egypt in this international ranking to gain such great importance from the educational institutions all over the world.On the other hand, Prof. Hani Hassanein, who joined the Future University in Egypt this year, was able to obtain first place over Ain Shams University, thus uniting with his colleague Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef in the same honorable achievement, depicting a shining aspect of Future University in Egypt in supporting and developing the educational process, in the international ranking for Arab countries, and even progress 30 levels during the current year.Within the framework of its role of vision and knowledge, Future University has successfully organized a conference entitled "Egypt in a Changing World" to discuss Egypt's preparations for the beginning of a new stage of political, economic and administrative reform, under the global and regional powers and the effectual policies of building a strong and effective state. In addition, address the worlds’ issues such as economic obstacles, human rights, terrorism, the Internet revolution and wise governance.Dr. Hisham Arafat, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, said that the university always seeks to achieve quality and offer distinguished educational service to its students, explaining that it is capable of strong creativity and competition, as the university is keen on presenting to society graduates that meet the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution. This is by adapting the latest teaching techniques to serve the educational process and raising the level of university teaching.Hisham Arafat added that the university works on applying special models to improve the educational services offered by the university to its students and to continuously improve the performance of both lecturer and student according to Future University in Egypt’s strategic plan in efforts to achieve the international accreditation and quality standards. Hence, this helps to qualify its graduates for the actual needs of the local, regional and global labor market.In this regard, Prof. Ebada Sarhan, University President, said that the university succeeded in achieving new progress in world ranking of universities "QS" for the Arab region in 2021 according to an accurate assessment of research, education and other activities. He pointed out that Future University in Egypt was ranked 71 among the Arab universities estimated at more than 2,000 universities for the year 2021, after it was ranked 111-120 in 2020. This was after data confirmation and accuracy verification.Prof. Ebada Sarhan clarified that three colleges in Future University in Egypt received accreditation and quality, namely the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, and the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology. And, are waiting for the Faculty of Engineering. Future University in Egypt is considered the only university in Egypt that issues a periodical scientific magazine for each of its faculties with international publishing houses. Also, the University started offering Masters and PhD programs in 3 faculties and is completing the rest of the faculties. He confirmed that the “Future” is a young university that stands as comprehensive scientific monument among other Arab universities.News Articles:akhbarak
Wed, 12/02/2020 12:00 AM Wed, 12/02/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Future University in Egypt is keen on using technology as a key part of the educational process and modern teaching methods, as it has taken broad steps in the fields of becoming a smart university and entering the digital world, using many advanced smart systems to keep pace with technological development and promote the educational process, with the support of Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, who has always sought to alter the traditional pattern of education and to form new innovative ways to suit the modern education system.In this context, Prof. Hesham Arafat, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, says that the university always exploits its efforts to reach an advanced academic and educational environment to increase the efficiency of its students, underlining that the university works on introducing the latest technological applications and innovations in the field of education. He added that using modern technology is a fundamental process in all curricula and confirmed that using it opens the horizons for students toward creativity and excellence.Prof. Ebada Sarhan, President of Future University in Egypt, said that the university also has an effective and influential role in scientific research, and always attains scientific achievements at the international and regional levels, pointing out that scientific research has a key role in creating effective communication between the individual and the labor market.Future University in Egypt has always acquired scientific achievements, such as researcher Hussam Al-Hegazi who has received a Ph.D. in a specific specialization in the field of Construction Engineering, as a culmination of the University's efforts and accomplishment of its general policy of supporting and developing the university education system, and in attempt to keep up with the state plan and its general vision of developing education within the plan of sustainable development 2030.Also, Prof. Al-Moataz Youssef, the only representative of Future University in Egypt, to achieve a ranking of the best 2% of the world's distinguished scientists according to the international ranking carried out by the Stanford University in America.
Wed, 12/02/2020 12:00 AM Wed, 12/02/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
The conference “Egypt in a Changing World” discussed the political, economic and social reform map, in the attendance of Minister of Public Business Sector Hesham Tawfik and several economic, political and scientific research figures in Egypt.The conference, organized by Future University in Egypt ‘s very own Faculty of Economics and Political Science, began on Saturday morning with a speech by Hisham Tawfik, Minister of Public Business Sector, who emphasized the importance of this conference and that his attendance stems from enthusiasm for the conference’s idea; titled “Egypt in a Changing World”The conference was attended by Prof. Hesham Arafat former Minister for Transport, Prof. Mostafa El-Feki Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Library of Alexandria), Prof. Gouda Abdel-Khalek, Professor of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, Prof. Ebada Sarhan and Prof. Sherine El-Shawarby Dean of Faculty of Economics and Political Science, and Prof. Ashraf El-Arabi former Minister of Planning.During his speech at the conference, Tawfik, pointed out that there is a structural change taking place for the companies of the business sector that face many problems to support the economy and achieve financial gains, and indicated the necessity of working on restoring balance by tackling the law 203 to serve the business sector in Egypt.Prof. Mostafa El-Feki, Director of Alexandria Library, emphasized the importance of that Egyptians should realize that they are not living alone in the world, and stressed the fact that the world's problems should be clear in our minds.During his speech in the conference, El-Feki asserted the necessity of political and regional diplomatic engagement in the region and employing that in serving the national issues. He explained that stopping at the borders of what we see only does not serve our issues.Also in his speech, Prof. Gouda Abdel-Khalek, Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, mentioned that there is a saying for Al-Jaheth, one of the Muslim scholars, that science is a method before a reality, clarifying many concepts that explain the economic and social reform, on top of which is investment in people or stone.In his speech at the conference, he referred to the importance of digital transformation and its necessity to be based on a scientific basis, and explained also that the distribution of political forces needs reconsideration.Prof. Sherine El-Shawarby, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Political Science, said that "Egypt in a Changing World" conference tries through scientific research to reveal the challenges represented by the rapid changes in all aspects of life; climatic, environmental and epidemic changes that endanger different aspects of our lives and even threaten their survival. As well as technological changes that confound labor markets and economic and political changes.In her speech at the Conference, she emphasized that Egypt had begun a new phase of comprehensive reform to modernize society, build a strong state and achieve the goals of sustainable development.Conference participants raised many issues, including the necessity that Egypt, as a country of giant companies, should demand the establishment of regional centers for software, like India, to export to Arab countries and the world, confirming that the Egyptian human mind is advanced and that all giant companies include Egyptian employees.The conference was organized by the faculty members and students at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science and was presented by one of the students of the Political Media Department of the Faculty of Economics.The conference discussed the mechanisms of economic sciences, political sciences and public administration, as well as the media in building the state and setting public opinion, and the complications posed by social sciences trends during the recent and different stage of the nation's legacy, including their essential role in influencing the course of political action during the current period.
Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
In the framework of its academic role as an influential force in reshaping the future of the educational system, Future University in Egypt is vigorously and effectively changing the face of higher education to meet the requirements of sustainable development and the vision of political leadership 2030, basing it on innovation, creativity, technology and scientific research. The University offers the latest smart learning methods and has attained goals and international achievements in scientific research. This has led it to become a model for the modern educational institution that represents the ultimate destination for every student, learner and researcher aspiring a better future. All this came under the direct sponsorship of Dr. Khaled Azazy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt.Throughout its six important faculties namely; the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology the University has successfully established a completely new educational model makes students the core of strategic priorities and has upgraded the skills of learners and lecturers through creativity, research, development and critical thinking in order to drive a smart transformation aligned with the technological revolution.Amid all this scientific and academic advancement, the university is keen on mobilizing the role of community responsibility by using its faculties to serve the community and the country. The Dental Hospital performs daily 400 - 450 dental cases of free treatment, and visits are taken to orphanages and shelters. The university administration also covers the expenses of those unable to attend university or in some schools.In this context, Prof. Hesham Arafat, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, stressed the necessity of increasing the role of community responsibility in institutions, which is what Future University in Egypt pays special attention to, confirming that the University’s Dental Hospital provides free services for cases of at least 400 cases a day. He added that medical examination is performed at the highest levels at all stages, explaining that this role enhances social responsibility, especially in the difficult circumstances the world has been experiencing since the "Corona" pandemic.Prof. Hesham Arafat added that Future University in Egypt is keen on distinction and excellence in everything, explaining that the University participated in virus C researches, noting that there is a pharmaceutical training factory in the university. In addition, the university also contains a Bioequivalence Center, which is considered one of the largest centers in Egyptian universities, licensed by the Ministry of Health and includes clinical trials reviewed by the National Drug Authority.Prof. Ebada Sarhan, President of Future University in Egypt, said that the university's role in community responsibility does not stop at the medical services it offers in the field of health, but extends to providing more grants than the Higher Council of Private Universities requires, all within the framework of the university's role of serving and spreading educational awareness.The University President also declared that there are charity and social activities that the university is keen on offering, besides health grants and services, that take place during the holy month of Ramadan, stressing that the charity's role is inseparable from its academic role. He explained that these initiatives and activities depend primarily on the noble objective behind them, which is that people and institutions should work for the interests of their greater environment and society.Future University in Egypt has recently succeeded in making new progress in the "QS" World Universities ranking for the Arab region in 2021, according to an accurate assessment of research, education and other activities. He pointed out that Future University in Egypt ranked 71 among the Arab universities which were estimated at more than two thousand universities in 2021, after being ranked 111-120 in 2020. This was based on data confirmation and accuracy verification.News Articles:iraqnewsakhbaroukoumlomazomaelbaladmasrawy
Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
“Egypt in a Changing World” presents research on digital pressFuture University in Egypt, Faculty of Economics and Political Science organized a conference entitled “Egypt in a Changing World” under the auspices of Prof. Ebada Sarhan, University President, Prof. Sherine El-Shawarby, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Political Science. Attendees included Prof. Hisham Tawfik, Minister of Public Business Sector, Prof. Hesham Arafat, former Minister of Transport and Deputy Chairman of Board of Trustees of Future University in Egypt, Prof. Gouda Abdel-Khalek, Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, and Prof. Ashraf Al-Arabi, former Minister And Prof. Mostafa El-Feki, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Library of Alexandria).Amidst the media, the conference presented a number of recent research studies by Prof. Amani Farouk on the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward state plans for community development. As well as research by Prof. Hanaa Hussein on the role of the new media in shaping public opinion toward the societal and economic role of the Egyptian Presidency by application to “Tahya Misr Fund”.On the level of digital technology and virtual reality, Prof. Samah Al-Mohammady, presented a study about the impact of integration of youth and adolescents into social networks on their awareness of reality. Prof. Hala Nawfal, presented a paper entitled "Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Media: The Egyptian State Model", and was presented on her behalf by Prof. Marwa Saleh.A selection of media professors paneled the research papers led by Prof. Magi Al-Halawani, Professor of Radio and Television and former Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University, Prof. Howaida Mustafa, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University, Prof. Amal Al-Ghazawy, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication at the Canadian University, Prof. Miral Sabry, Assistant Professor of Political Media at Future University in Egypt, Prof. Rasha Al-Ebiary, Lecturer of Political Media.The conference advocated the integration of the developmental role of traditional and digital media, in coordination with the social development agencies, civil society organizations and the Egyptian government, to achieve effective strategic planning for sustainable community development axes and to increase control over the contents of communication through social networks for the role they play in mobilizing public opinion and negatively affecting its trends, which requires providing advanced training and professional programs to upgrade the skills of media practitioners, especially digital.The conference also stressed the importance of shedding the media spotlight on the economic and community achievements of the “Tahya Misr Fund”, bearing in mind that the media discourse is simple and clear, to develop citizen awareness of the Fund’s development plans, as well as expanding psychological and social research on the role of digital media in influencing youth and adolescents.
Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM Tue, 12/01/2020 12:00 AM
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo

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